Why lower back pain common in women?
The lower back part of our body is called the lumbar region. Women are more prone to suffer from pain in this part of the body. It can be mild, annoying, severe, and sometimes unbearable. Back pain in women increases as they ages. Acute lower back pain goes away on its own but chronic pain lasts longer. If your back pain stays for more than 3 days, consult a doctor. You can perform yoga for lower back pain. It produces a magical effect on your body.
Many times, pain in the lumbar region arises due to injury that requires some immediate action for relieving pain. However, do you know why back pain affects women more than men?
A plethora of reasons are there that lead to the lower back pain issue in women. Some of them we have curated here to help you in preventing future back pain problems.
Menopause and Hormonal Problems
One-third of women life is spent in menopause. Around 70% of perimenopausal women show symptoms of estrogen deficiency. Genetics also plays an important role in lower back pain. Yoga for back relief is a good idea because it helps in dealing with severe pain.
During menopause, women go through an extreme level of pain. According to the researchers, it happens because of the lack of estrogen production. Estrogen helps keep the spinal disc healthy. Low levels of estrogen mean to cause the discs to degenerate.
Menstruation or Uterine Dysfunction
Painful periods also called Dysmenorrhea are responsible for cramping in women during menstruation. It’s a uterine dysfunction, which can be primary or secondary.
Usually, it’s a muscular pain during menstruation that occurs because of hormonal changes. The production of prostaglandins causes a high level of lower back pain.
In primary dysmenorrhea, women feel pain just after the start of their period. Contraction of the uterus in this condition separates the tissue in the uterus lining. Secondary dysmenorrhea arises because of physical issues. Infections, fibroids, growth, issues in the reproductive organs are the main causes behind secondary dysmenorrhea.
It’s a chronic issue in females, which shows up when the tissues acting as endometrial tissues start growing outside of the uterus. Either in the pelvic cavity or some other region. It’s a gynecological disorder that leads to a painful menstrual cycle, pain in the genital area, and lower back pain.
Such a condition puts women in a difficult situation because no place is left for the blood to pass. Like the uterine lining, endometriosis growth bleeds monthly too. Excess fluid causes irritation and inflammation in the surrounding environment. Eventually, all a women get is chronic pain. If diagnosed at the right time, lower back pain can be prevented. Vajrasana, sat nam kriya, squat, and many other yoga exercises for back pain are ideal to do when you have endometriosis.
Spondylothesis affect the lower vertebrae when one of them slips forward to the adjacent bones. Many don’t know that the entire backbone can slip. In some cases, this results in intolerable pain. The pain passes from the spine to the hip, back, and then to the legs. The lumbar area is the riskiest one when it comes to spondylolisthesis.
Even after all these, many possibilities are there behind back pain such as piriformis syndrome, SI joint dysfunction, postmenopausal compression fractures, and so on. Doctors recommend doing yoga for back pain relief and yoga for neck & shoulder pain. If you are unable to do yoga and want instant relief from lower back pain, try Moov Strong. It’s a strong and effective topical cream for treating lower back pain. Composed of four active natural ingredients, it has a lot of potentials. Use it to fight daily back pain.
Infographic provided by Revival Health & Wellness, a provider of stem cell injections in Fenton MO
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